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Health Science Education Division Awards

Health Science Education Division is conducting a statewide search for excellence in Career and Technical Education to highlight outstanding educators as part of our annual awards program. We are seeking nominations from the HSE Division. The application deadline for the following awards is October 11, 2024.

2024 HSE Award of Merit


To recognize individuals or organizations for the highest meritorious contribution to the improvement, promotion, development, and progress of Health Science Education.


Individuals or organizations considered for the Award of Merit must have demonstrated a concern for CTE as evidenced through sponsored programs, publications, financial support, and other activities.


Business firms, industries, boards of education, boards of trustees, lay citizens groups, state or national committees, and any other types of organizations that have contributed to CTE are eligible recipients of this award. Nominee must be an active member of ACTE and state or territorial association.


Applications will be evaluated on the criteria outlined on the evaluation form and the materials provided to the awards committee.

2024 HSE Outstanding New Teacher Award


To recognize new Health Science Education teachers who are providing outstanding CTE programs for youth and/or adults in one of the health fields. Recipients of this award must have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique, and novel programs which are serving to improve and promote CTE.


Individuals, who are currently employed as full-time classroom/laboratory teachers in a HSE program, other than at the baccalaureate level, are eligible recipients for this award. Nominees must be classroom/laboratory teachers at the time of selection. Teachers eligible for this award will be in their second to fifth year of teaching. Contributions and achievements on which nomination is based should have been made since the beginning of employment as a Health Science Education teacher.  Nominee must be an active member of ACTE and state or territorial association for a minimum of one year.


Applications will be evaluated on the criteria outlined on the evaluation form and the materials provided to the awards committee.

2024 HSE Outstanding Service Award


To recognize educators who have made the highest meritorious contribution to the improvement, promotion, development, and progress of Health Science Education.


The award will be presented to individuals who have made contributions of achieved prominence above salaried position assignments at the local, state, regional, and/or national levels. Nominees who have received recognition outside their field of work and those who have made contributions of national significance will be most highly rated.


This award is given to individuals who are currently in the field of Health Science Education or who have spent a significant part of their professional life in the field of Health Science Education. Individuals who have received special honors or recognition as teachers, counselors, or administrators, who have held key state and national professional offices or committee appointments, had major professional publications or made any other significant contribution to the field of Health Science Education will be most highly considered for this award. Nominee must be an active member of ACTE and state or territorial association.


Applications will be evaluated on the criteria outlined on the evaluation form and on the materials presented to the awards committee.

2024 HSE Outstanding Career and Technical Educator Award


To recognize those career and technical educators, other than full-time classroom/laboratory teachers, who have recently provided or are currently providing significant contributions to the improvement, promotion, development and progress of Health Science Education.


Individuals who are currently employed as full-time HSE teachers,  administrators, vocational guidance counselors, programs specialists, state and U.S. Department of Education administrators and other individuals involved in contributing to Health Science  Education are eligible recipients for this award. A nominee should have been involved in ACTE activities at the local, state, regional and/or national levels. Nominee must be an active member of ACTE and a state or territorial association for a minimum of five consecutive years.


Applications will be evaluated on the criteria outlined on the evaluation form and the materials provided to the awards committee.

2024 HSE Teacher of the Year


To recognize teachers who are providing outstanding Health Science Career and Technical programs for youth and/or adults in one of the health fields. Recipients of this award must have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique and novel programs, which are serving to improve and promote CTE.


Individuals who are currently employed as full-time classroom/laboratory teacher in Health Science Education programs, other than at a baccalaureate level, are eligible recipients for this award. Nominees must be classroom/laboratory teachers at the time of selection. Contributions and achievements on which the nomination is based should have been made within the past ten years.

Nominee must be an active member of ACTE and state or territorial association for a minimum of five consecutive years.


Applications will be evaluated on the criteria outlined on the evaluation form and the materials provided to the awards committee.


Deserving candidates for these awards have demonstrated their commitment to CTE through their innovation, accomplishments, and contributions to the HSE community. We are accepting nominations until October 11. Award recipients will then be judged, and HSE award winners will be announced at the VISION HSE meeting.


Health Science Education Division Scholarship

Please read the eligibility and application requirements carefully before proceeding. When you are ready to begin your application, click on the link below. The application period is April 1 - 30, 2025. The winner(s) will be announced at the HOSA International Leadership Conference 2025 in Nashville, Tennessee. 



  1. The recipient must be a HOSA member and be a local, regional, state, or national officer of HOSA - Future Health Professionals.
  2. Applicants must be enrolled in a secondary, postsecondary, or college/university Health Science Education program. 
  3. The applicant may be a high school senior with proof of acceptance into further education for a health career, or an enrolled student in a postsecondary (community/technical/junior college) or university/collegiate Health Science Education program.  
  4. The applicant's student advisor must be a member of ACTE National (link to join). 


All applications must be entered online by deadline on April 30, 2025 for acceptance and review by the Health Science Education Division of ACTE. Please make sure to check your application for grammatical correctness before submitting. See below for a list of application requirements (incomplete applications will not be accepted):

1.    Proof of enrollment/acceptance into a Health Science program

2.    Transcript of grades 

3.    Leadership Activities—Submit a list of activities including: offices held, awards and honors, and student organization involvement. 

4.    Community Involvement—Describe community service, volunteer experience, church related activities, etc. 

5.    Essay - Submit a 350-700 word essay describing contributions you expect to make to the health profession and why you should be selected as the recipient of the HSTE scholarship. 

6.    Letters of reference—Each application requires three (3) letters of reference. Reference letters may be provided by any of the following: a teacher, advisor, principal, director of the HSE program, employer, or any source other than a relative.  References should document applicant's scholarship, leadership abilities, interpersonal skills, integrity and potential in the health profession. 

NOTE: the online system will collect the letters directly from the references; applicants will only need to enter the names and email addresses of each reference before submitting their applications (view the application instructions for details). Deadline to receive all letters is April 30, 2025.


  1. An announcement of the opening for online submissions will be included in the HOSA International Leadership Conference's annual announcement/pre-registration materials. 
  2. A selection committee, appointed by the current ACTE-HSE Division Vice President will determine the most deserving recipient. 
  3. A monetary prize of $500 will be awarded to the top applicant(s). Notable mentions may be awarded smaller scholarships (dependent upon funding). 
  4. The recipient will be notified by the ACTE-HSE Division Vice President.  
  5. The recipient's name will be submitted to the HOSA Executive Director by the ACTE-HSE Division Vice President. 
  6. Announcement of the selected recipient will be made during the annual HOSA International Leadership Conference and will be  included in the HOSA - Future Health Professionals and ACTE-HSE Division publications. 
  7. Payment of the scholarship award will be made by the ACTE-HSE Division Vice President [given official documentation of the recipient's enrollment in a postsecondary (community/technical/junior) college or university/college]. In the event the total award is not utilized, it or any part will revert to the scholarship account. 

If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact Health Science Education Division Vice President, LaDonna Selvidge at  LaDonna.Selvidge@francistuttle.edu. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, contact ACTE staff at mzarcone@acteonline.org