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2026 ACTE Board of Directors Election

Nominations for the ACTE Board of Directors Election open April 1 and close June 15 (11:59 p.m. ET). Positions eligible for the 2026 election include:

President-Elect: Serves a one-year term beginning in July 2026, followed by one-year as president and one-year as past president. 

Administration Division Vice President-Elect: Serves a one-year shadow term beginning July 2026, followed by a three-year term beginning July 2027

Agricultural Education Vice President-Elect: Serves a one-year shadow term beginning July 2026, followed by a three-year term beginning July 2027.

Counseling and Career Development Division Vice President-Elect: Serves a one-year shadow term beginning July 2026, followed by a three-year term beginning July 2027

Engineering & Technology Education Vice President: Serves a three-year term beginning July 2026.

Postsecondary, Adult & Career Education Division Vice President-Elect: Serves a one-year shadow term beginning July 2026, followed by a three-year term beginning July 2027

Trade & Industrial Education Vice President: Serves a three-year term beginning July 2026.

Region V Vice President-Elect: Serves a one-year shadow term beginning July 2026, followed by a three-year term beginning July 2027.


See below for a list of application requirements and links to apply for a Vice President Position or President or President-Elect. 

Please see here for guidelines and eligibility requirements for Vice President candidates.  PLEASE NOTE: In order to apply for President and/or President-Elect, you must have served for at least one year (at the time of nomination) as a National ACTE Board Member as Region or Division Vice PresidentAdditional information about the requirements/responsibilities of serving as a President can be found here.

1. Official Nomination Form (including employer support)

1. Official Nomination Form (including employer support)

2. Biographical Information (160 words max.)

2. Biographical information (250 words max.)

3. Responses to candidate questions

3. Responses to candidate questions

4. Platform Statement (200 words max.)

4. Platform Statement (300 words max.)

5. Support Letter(s) from a colleague (minimum 1, maximum 4)

5. Support Letter(s) from colleague (minimum 1, maximum 4) 

6. Photo/Headshot (high resolution in .jpg format)

6. Photo/Headshot (high resolution in .jpg format)

     7.Sign off on disclaimers and agreements      7.Sign off on disclaimers and agreements

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Application materials for Vice President positions must adhere strictly to the word limits. Applicants are asked to keep responses to the candidate questions limited to two paragraphs per question.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Application materials for President-Elect must adhere strictly to the word limits. Applicants are asked to keep responses to the candidate questions limited to two paragraphs per question.



Campaign rules are available here. Please note the campaign policies are currently under review and will be updated in the summer. If you have any questions, please contact Marlen Zarcone at mzarcone@acteonline.org or call 800-826-9972 ext. 321.

More information on the Board election timeline can be found on ACTE's website