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Kansas ACTE Awards

Kansas ACTE administers the ACTE Excellence Awards. State award winners in these categories are eligible to move forward for Region V consideration. Learn more about the Excellence Awards here.  

ACTE Teacher of the Year

ACTE Administrator of the Year

ACTE Postsecondary Professional of the Year

ACTE Counseling & Career Development Professional Award

ACTE New Teacher of the Year

ACTE Teacher Educator of the Year

ACTE Carl Perkins Community Service Award

ACTE Lifetime Achievement Award

All Kansas ACTE Awards must be submitted by June 15. If you have questions about the Kansas ACTE Awards program, please contact Melissa Munoz. For more information and to view past winners, visit the K-ACTE Awards webpage.

In addition to the ACTE Member Awards, Kansas ACTE also administers the following awards at the state level only:

Kansas ACTE Young Teacher of the Year Individual members who are currently employed as full-time classroom/laboratory teachers in a career and technical education program other than at the baccalaureate level are eligible recipients of this award. Nominees must be classroom/laboratory teachers at the time of selection. Candidate must be in his/her sixth through tenth year of educational service and be a dues-paying member of K-ACTE. The nominee should also have been involved in some capacity in Association for Career and Technical Education activities at the state, Region and/or national level and must have been a member of ACTE and K-ACTE at the time of nomination.
Kansas ACTE Award of Merit Business firms, industries, online communities, boards of education, boards of trustees, lay citizens groups, state or national committees and any other types of organizations that have contributed significantly to career and technical education are eligible recipients of this award.
Kansas ACTE Policymaker of the Year This award is presented to the individual or individuals who are determined to have made the most impact on policy related to career and technical education either during the past year or over an extended career of public service. One award is presented each year. Then award is open to individuals having decision-making authority as evidenced by public or legal sanctions. (The award is not limited to one recipient).