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Welcome to the ACTE Awards Portal!

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Missouri ACTE Awards

Thank you for your interest in nominating a CTE professional for recognition. Missouri ACTE Policy states, "Nominees for the Missouri ACTE Awards must come from a Missouri ACTE Division, standing committee or the executive committee in order to apply and represent Missouri ACTE in the awards portal (Adopted by the Board of Directors: July 2020)." If you would like to nominate someone, please contact the appropriate division leadership listed below. 

Missouri ACTE administers the ACTE Excellence Awards. State award winners in these categories are eligible to move forward for Region III consideration. Learn more about the Excellence Awards here

ACTE Teacher of the Year

ACTE Administrator of the Year

ACTE Postsecondary Professional of the Year

ACTE Counseling & Career Development Professional Award

ACTE New Teacher of the Year

ACTE Teacher Educator of the Year

ACTE Carl Perkins Community Service Award

ACTE Lifetime Achievement Award

MOACTE Committee Contacts:




MoEFCS (Family and Consumer Science)

(MoACTE Awards Chair)

Emily Daniel


MHSE (Health Services)

Jennifer Emry


MVATA (Agriculture)

Jackie Carlson


MBEA (Business)

Michele Thurlo


MTTA (Trade & Technology)

Angeleic Huth


MCCTA (Administration)

Erin Rohwer


MEMO (Marketing)

Mary Wyatt


MACS (Career Services)

Liz Pogue



The deadline to submit nominations for the Missouri ACTE Awards is January 31. If you have questions about the Missouri ACTE Awards program, please contact Emily Daniel or Karen Mason.  For more information and to view past winners, visit the MO-ACTE webpage.